Monday, March 3, 2025

My Tips for Decorative Planning - E-book

I put a lot of time into creating this e-book for tips for decorative planners.  It has 24 pages of tips and resources whether you are just getting started or are a seasoned planner.  

I started decorative planning in 2018 when my youngest daughter introduced me to it.  I have had so much fun!  I love this hobby so much that I have a whole room dedicated to it and the supplies I've collected over the years.  And, I started my own Etsy sticker shop, Indiana Inker Plans.  Also through this process, I have learned quite a bit.  I have several finished planners that I go back through from time to time.  

My Tips for Starting decorative Planning is currently available in my Etsy shop as a pdf download.  It does have clickable links to all of the resources for easy access. You can save it to your computer and refer to it when needed, as well as print it out for a quick read.  If I have enough interest, I'll update it once a year.  

If you purchase it, please leave a review in my Etsy shop and/or comment on this post.  

Tips for Decorative Planning

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At the time of this posting, none of the links, other than those that are links to my direct sites are affiliate links. 

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