
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Happy Planning - Classic - November 5-11, 2019

I decided a donut theme would be fun this week. It was a fun spread to work on. I use this Farmhouse Classic planner for what actually happened the week prior.  I also have a classic planner for what is supposed to happen for the week, but I keep it pretty basic. 

The Etsy shop stickers will be listed below. Stickers not listed are from various MAMBI or Recollection sticker books. 

Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Pinterest

Etsy Shops
(link to shops in My Favorite Etsy Sticker Shops above)

Weather Icons - Brianna Nicole Designz


Balloons - Planning with Ms Daisy
Small Donuts - Cheerful Planner Girl
Change Smoke Detector Batteries - Lexington Flair
Bright Dots - Lexington Flair


Jammies all Day - Planning with Ms Daisy
Plan - Lexington Flair
Tea Cup - Planning with Ms Daisy
No Spend - Plan to Plan
Small Donuts - Cheerful Planner Girl


Tea Cup - Planning with Ms Daisy
Envelope of Stickers - Plan to Plan
Laptop - Brianna Nicole Designz
Bright Dots - Lexington Flair
Christmas Shopping - Brianna Nicole Designz
Small Donuts - Cheerful Planner Girl


Plan - Lexington Flair
Pin Cushion - Plan to Plan
Scissors - Cheerful Planner Girl
Sewing Machine - Plan to Plan
Trash Can - Planning with Ms Daisy
No Spend - Lexington Flair


Jammies All Day - Planning with Ms Daisy
Laptop - Plan to Plan
Pin Cushion - Plan to Plan
Scissors - Cheerful Planner Girl
Sewing Machine - Plan to Plan
Laundry - Nicole's Plans
PayDay - Plan to Plan
Pay Bills - Brianna Nicole Designz
No Spend - Lexington Flair


Order Groceries - Plan to Plan
Hair Cut - Plan to Plan
Sack of Groceries - Plan to Plan
Donate - Brianna Nicole Designz
Bright dots - Lexington Flair
Plan - Lexington Flair


Change the Sheets - Lexington Flair
Jammies all Day - Planning with Ms Daisy
Plan - Lexington Flair
Pizza - Cheerful Planner Girl
Online Shopping - Brianna Nicole Designz

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